söndag 22 februari 2009

an update

Things actually happened this week and I got to work quite a bit :) I was sick all the time though - starting to feel a little better now :) Just have my stuffy nose left. No fever! :)
The weekend was actually pretty boring. Did nothing, spending my days (and evenings) on the couch, basicly. But a new week is coming up with a lot of fun! Working almost 40 hours, gonna see my friends Pernilla and Anneli (who is actually my ex boss and my co-worker) and their kids tomorrow and gonna have lunch with my friend Lena (we also used to work together ;) on Tuesday. Saturday is party I think I'll go to, but I work late on Saturday and start at like 10.30 on Sunday....

Thinking about what college to apply to this fall... I thougt I made up my mind, but I realized it's not that simple as I thought! :P

Now, going to bed and read a book

Miss you guys so much!
Lots of Love!

tisdag 17 februari 2009

not feeling good...

I think I'm getting sick... Working "short" day today, starting at 11.20am and getting off at 5.30pm. So not too long. Having the rest of the week off unless something unexpected happens. Wich I kind of hope for cos I want to work! :)
Have to call the school as well and ask if they need people to substitute teach. I did that for 1½ year and I really like it!

It really cold here now. When I got of work at 8.30pm yesterday my car was covered in ice.

I wich I could tell you something fun that happened, but no.... Didn't do anything last weekend, besides working... Spent Saturday evening at Andreas place, but that's about it.


onsdag 11 februari 2009


Got off work at 4pm today, wich was nice! A lot of customers today, as a change :)
I'm so tired now... These long days (as I used to be used to...) makes me really tired so I think I'm going to bed now... Have tomorrow off, the only day this week.

So, tomorrow I'm gonna bake cinnamon-buns and work on a little project of mine ;)


tisdag 10 februari 2009

I'm back in business

Worked all day yesterday and all day today. I'm really tired now, but it feels so good to be back there. I really missed my work and my co-workers.
Of course there is customers that can be really rude or if not to say stupid but most of the time the are really nice!
I have to go to bed now - back to work tomorrow :) And the whole weekend! Haha!

söndag 8 februari 2009


They called from Ikea today, and tomorrow I work my first day there :) 10.15am - 8.30pm
Happy, happy, happy!

shake it

I went out to the bars last night with my friends. It was crowded and kind of fun :) I run in to people I havn't seen for years, and people I didn't really expect to see in a bar :P

Tonight I'm gonna meet Helena for a cup of coffee. It's been a long time, and I know that we have a lot to talk about!


lördag 7 februari 2009

School this fall??

I spent most of my time today and yesterday looking in to different schools and programs.
Right now I'm really into taking Human resource management and work sciences in Linköping. Maybe that's where you can findme this fall ;)

A bad thing thouhg is that I'll probably have to live in a tiny cubby-hole.... So let me know ahead of time if you wnat to come visit so I can find you a place to stay!

torsdag 5 februari 2009

I change my plans...

I was supposed to get out and jog this morning but it's snowing ALOT here... I think I stay inside... :P And my brother has a friend coming today who's staying over night and I have my whole closet spread out on the bed in the guestroom. Need to fix that ;)

onsdag 4 februari 2009


I went to my dads work today to pick him up. I let him drive home by himself cos I planned to jog home. I did, but it was sooo strenuous...! This past fall really had bad influence on my good health :P

So tomorrow, first thing after breakfast is to put my sweatpants on, grab my iPod and get out...!

tisdag 3 februari 2009

This is what I do....

Ispent the whole day with my friend Anneli and her son Marcus at their house in Norrahammar. Around 3.15pm we went to Ikea so I could fix my passwords and stuff for the programs I use when I work. Feels so much better to do it when Andres is there so he can help me ;)

It was so much fun to come back to Ikea - I really miss that place! Really looking forward to when I start work next Tuesday. And I really hope I can get some extra hours before that... But I'm not sure how its gonna be :S

Last night I went out for dinner with a friend. It was so much fun! We sat there for hours, talking and talking...

I bought some boxes today when I was at Ikea, so tomorrow I'm gonna clean and organize all my stuff I brought home :D It's time for that now.... Haha!


söndag 1 februari 2009

Why is it so hard?

Now I've been back for like 4 days, and I miss US more and more for each day. I miss my friends and the whole thing and feeling about beeing in Wisconsin. I had so much fun there!

Talked to a co-worker at Ikea last night, and they're really cutting down on hours wich makes me a little bit nervous... I mean, what can I do if I dont have a job? It's gonna take me forever to save up money so I can come back!

However, I'm gonna have dinner with my family, my brothers girlfriend, my grandma and 2 neighbors later this afternoon. At least everyone is really excited that I'm back :P

But I miss US.... :(
