fredag 27 mars 2009

you don't have to force me

After a couple of days with the stomach flu I'm back in buissnes again and went to work this morning at the Elementary School in Gränna. A sweet class of 17 8-year old kids.

At 9.30 it's time for a 30 minutes brake. And the kids have to be outside. So, I guess that includes me as well and I bundle up and step out in the snowstorm. In my high heals, of course... (Couldn't wear sneakers to THESE pants! And I didn't expect a snowstorm!)

Then, all of a sudden one of the other teachers steps up to me and ask me what I'm doing outside? She's the one who use to be outside with the kids on this break and I don't have to be there.

Instead I had a cup of coffe and chocolate cake with the other teachers :)

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